About me

Oma kuva
I'm studying Information Technologies in Oulu University of Applied Sciences. I have specialized to electronics design and testing but I'm also interested to programming and telecommunications.
At this moment I'm doing my work trainee in Valencia, Spain.

sunnuntai 18. joulukuuta 2011

Tricking in Villarreal

Last week's saturday I went to Villarreal (in Valencian: Vila-real) to train tricking with my local friends. Villarreal is one part of the city of Castellon and it's located about 60 kilometers from Valencia to north. Distance is pretty short but by commuter train it took about 50 minutes to get there. And round trip was only a little more than 7 euros, not bad.

More than 10 people came from Valencia by train, and in Villarreal there were lot of more people from Castellon area, I guess there were at least 40 trainers. It’s funny because here it was like normal trainings with local people but in Finland this size of trainings would be a gathering with people around the country.

Gym is really nice place to train, there is lot of gymnastics stuff, mattresses, big soft gymnastic floor and pool with soft cubes which name in English I don’t know. We had four hours to train, from 4 to 8 so I had to take it easy because I had been a bit sick few weeks before those trainings.

Hungry people. :D

Conductor was really interested on our sport so we showed some
videos to him.

Little warming up before trainings. :D

Lot of stops before destination...

Little more interesting landscapes than in Finland?

After train we walked to other side of the city.


Pool with soft cubes.

Gymnastic floor, very good and soft.

Group photo. Not everyone on this photo because some people
left before our turn ended. 

Now I can't add any videoclips with this bad internet connection but maybe I update this post on work next week, let't see...

Era muy buen viaje y toda la peña era muy amable y divertido, me gustó mucho! Pero es una cosa que no me gusta, solo ida tarda dos horas más o menos. En Valencia hay un gym también pero no podemos usar eso así tenemos que ir a Villarreal si queremos entrenar en gym. Normalmente entrenamos aquí en cesped frente de Palau de la Música.

Y gracias a Neea sobre mi viaje de entrenamiento!

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